CFR Digital

While and our other digital platforms have been through redesigns in recent years, we continue to evolve various elements and sub-pages on the site to make sure we maintain high-quality experiences for our audience. There are a few select examples of such updates. My role in all was to identify pain points, redesign as needed and work with the developers/PMs pre & post launch to ensure the quality of the end product.


World 101

CFR's World101 platform is aimed towards teachers and students to 'make international relations and foreign policy compelling and accessible through instruction on how the world works and how international events and issues influence us all'.

This platform involved many more interactive and inter-navigable pieces so my role was to ensure ease of navigating through the site and it's various components and also maintain a unique design style while keeping it within the CFR brand family. 

The site features content behind a login, stacked modules that are interchangeable per topic and is planning to also house downloadable resource in the future so we focused on a clear and foolproof navigation and layout.



CFR Writer Bios

While our experts and fellows have bio pages, the editorial staff currently does not have a bio page or a space that showcases their work in a user friendly way (who likes search results pages?).

The bio pages are styled independently of the expert pages providing clear differentiation, provides contact info for users and allows the writers to curate their content and feature their work relating to current events or Council goals.